Kailey is a voice student of Dr. Jessica Saunders and will be subbing for Sarah Beckelheimer in October!
How long have you been taking lessons?
I've taken lessons here for almost a year.
Do you play any other instruments?
I play piano and a little flute.
How often do you practice?
Not enough
What is one of your favorite pieces you have learned so far?
Villanelle by Eva Dell'Acqua
What advice do you have for other musicians studying your instrument?
Pay attention to how you physically feel when you sing. Stay tension free
What do you enjoy about lessons?
Getting to learn more about a classical style of singing.
What do you like about Dynamic Music Studios?
Getting to work with a teacher that pays attention to my specific needs as a musician.
What goals do you have for lessons?
To learn more about singing classical repertoire, and to gain more confidence in my singing voice.
What is your favorite musical?
Les Misérables
What are some other activities in which you participate?
Taking walks and studying French