Jayce is a piano student of Sarah Beckelheimer's at Dynamic Music Studios in Coralville, Iowa.
How old are you? 14 years old
How long have you been taking piano? 7 Years
Why did you decide to take piano lessons? Originally I had to take 2 years of piano to do percussion but I ended up really liking piano.
Do you play any other instruments? Yes, percussion and bass guitar
How much do you practice? Every day for about an hour
What is one of your favorite songs you have learned so far? Nocturne Op. 9-2 by Chopin
What advice do you have for younger students? The more you practice, the better you will get. You will also be able to sight read music better then.
What do you enjoy about taking lessons? You get to learn more and have a nice person who teaches me.
What do you like about Dynamic Music Studios? It's a smaller studio so less background noise.
What goals do you have for piano? I want to be good enough to teach lessons.
What job would you like to do when you grow up? I would like to be a YouTuber on gaming or teach music.
What other actives or hobbies do you have? I do jazz band, golf and like to play video games (Roblox and Minecraft)